Tour and Travel Booking Website with Flutter Web Template | Travel Agency Website Flutter Web
- Will give nearly all the small print required for Tour & Travel Booking Flutter Web App which like Home Page(Services) , Destinations, Packages, Booking, Details, Plans ,Contacts Us ,Chat, Reviews, Customers,Login,SignUp), Coupons, Invoices(Invoices List, Create Invoices, Reviews(Reviews List, Create Reviews), Faqs , Settings).),
- Everything was made with a detail-oriented fashion and follows at this time’s Web Design tendencies.
- Clean coded & layers are well-organized, fastidiously named, and grouped.
- Easy customization of textual content, colours, graphics, and photographs.
- 100% free fonts, good pixel (high-quality design), and very clear and cool UI. Free updates.
Tour & Travel Booking Flutter Web App Features:
- Supported on cellular,Web and Tablet
- Dart Language
- UI/UX design from trade consultants
- Beautiful and skilled trying design
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Font Awesome & Material Icons
- Multiple Font Selection
- Multiple Primary Colors Selection
- Mobile and Tablet Support
- Responsive design for all gadgets
- Animation Controller
- Complete Mediation Web App module
- Home Screen:
- Home Screen
- Services
- Destinations Screens:
- Destinations Screen
- Packages Screens:
- Packages Screen
- Booking Screens:
- Booking Screen
- Details Screens:
- Details Screen
- Plans Screens:
- Plans Screen
- Auth Screens:
- Auth Screen
- Invoices Screens:
- Invoices Screen
- Settings Screens:
- Settings Screen
- Contact Us Screens:
- Contact Us Screen
- Chat Screens:
- Chat Screen
- Reviews Screens:
- Reviews Screen
Watch preview video:
<button onclick=”window.location.href=’ https://youtu.be/opxy3dlQMTU'”>Video Demo</button>
For assist, please contact: hakamali1237@gmail.com