Tasoapp-App Landing Page
TasoAPP is a pixel good Mobile App Landing Pages which crafted with terrific consideration to particulars. It was designed to advertise your cell App, providers or enterprise initiatives. 25+ Different homepages has additionally weblog web page, weblog single web page with nicely documentation .
For WordPress Version please go to: Taso App WordPress
Main Features:
- 100% Responsive
- Bootstrap 5 Framework (V5.3)
- HTML5 and CSS3 Validation
- Scroll To Fixed Navbar
- Text Type Animation
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Clean & Commented Code
- Easy to Customize
- Google fonts
- Font-Awesome fonts
- Well Documented
- Easy Customization
- W3C Validated
- 24/7 Awesome Support
- and Many More…
Files included:
- HTML Files
- CSS Files
- JS recordsdata
- PHP file
- Documentation in HTML
1. Jquery – https://jquery.com/
2. Owl Carousel 2 – https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/
3. scrollIt js – https://github.com/cmpolis/scrollIt.js/
4. Headline js – https://codyhouse.co/demo/animated-headlines/
5. fontAwesome – https://fontawesome.com/
If you want this merchandise, please price , I’ll recognize it, when you want any assist utilizing the file or want particular customizing please be at liberty to contact me by way of my Themeforest profile
Note: All photos are used for preview solely and never included within the last buy pack.