RISE AFTER DEATH (Complicated Android Third Person shooting Game) UNITY 3D
RISE AFTER DEATH (Complicated Android Third Person shooting Game) UNITY 3D
This is a tremendous Third Person shooting,;
The recreation is coded in unity 2019 and fits all gadgets and works completely on Android. Great controls, nice thrilling maps and 15 missions,
NOTE : Unity model you want for construct 2019.2.17F1 Pro/Free
– 3 completely different Stage , (Zombie Land, Survival War, Ultimate War)
– 15 completely different missions ( you may add simpler)
– 3 completely different enemies
– 6 completely different weapons (subsequent model can have MORE! )
– extremely polished menus – Highly polished controls
_ ProRadarBuilder
– Admob, (AdMob app ID, Banner advertisements, Interstitial,)
– Easy to Reskin
– Clean Code
Video tutorials
Set your AdMob advertisements;
How to constructing apk
– Full help by the creator for something you want!
– Clean Code
– extremely polished menus – Highly polished controls
– add new weapon
modifications in new model :
Update challenge construct model ( UNITY 2019)
replace conduct
add new weapon
repair digital camera view
including construct report back to challenge
take away some object for munim dimension of recreation
replace Documents tutorials : including tutorials for google play story
word: if you wish to uplead in google play you have to to separate apk.
NOTE : in the event you wont to uplad recreation in different story you dont want to separate apk simply buil it and is completed
Monetisation: Admob banner and Interstitial Ads.
Requirements: UNITY 2019 :
unity v 2019.2.17F1