Photography Aurel HTML Template
Theme Features:
- Photo Proofing
- Before/After Element
- Work with Albums
- Portraits with out Crop
- Video Galleries and Sliders
- Fullscreen Gallery Support
- Blog centered on Post Formats
- First-Class Support with 5 Stars
- Responsive. Fluid. Retina Ready
- Custom CSS and JS
- Unlimited Colors
- Cross-Browser Compatibility
- Pixel Perfect
- Make Logo Retina Ready
- Easy to make use of for any sort of web site (Photo, Portfolio, Interior, Real Estate, Model, Agency and extra.)
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- 404 Page with Custom Design
- Google Maps Support
- Strong Focus on Typography and Usability
- Advanced Typography with 650+ Google Fonts
- Well organized, commented & clear code
- Fullwidth & Standard Layouts
- Performance enhancements for quick and dependable web sites
- Free Lifetime Updates
Please notice that photographs used on Pixel-Mafia demo websites are for demo goal solely. They will not be included into the product’s bundle and doesn’t include it.