Nuhost – Multipurpose Hosting HTML & WHMCS Template
Nuhost it’s a Responsive Multipurpose Hosting & Domains HTML + WHMCS Template, Nuhost is for any firm offering hosting, reseller internet hosting, clouds internet hosting, domains, WordPress internet hosting, Ddos assaults safety, on-line assist, and multi-goal enterprise. is fulfilled with all that you must begin your personal internet hosting firm, Template is a Clean, Responsive Modern design primarily based on the Bootstrap 4 framework.
This template has +19 sub pages They fulfill all of your necessities, Even in order for you extra you are able to do it simply
- Bootstrap 4.1.1 Responsive Grid System
- whmcs template appropriate with newest model 8.11.2
- Fully Responsive
- swipe cellmenu
- working contact kinds
- working search & filters kinds
- W3C Validated Code
- Loader Styles
- Font Awesome & flaticon icons
- Google fonts
- +21 sub web page included
- 6 backgrounds gradient headers
- 2 homepage types
- Well Documentation
- Easy to customise
- Unique & Modern Design
- Responsive Megamenus
- Smooth transition
- social icons add
- Professional Support
- and extra …
Template Pages
- Index Page
- Index traditional Page
- About us Page
- weblog Page
- weblog single Page
- cloud internet hosting Page
- contact Page
- ddos Page
- area outcomes Page
- area search Page
- empty Page
- empty v2 Page
- assist middle Page
- knowledgebase Page
- Privacy Page
- reseller internet hosting Page
- hosting Page
- WordPress internet hosting Page
- VPS servers Page
- devoted internet hosting Page
What do you get?
- All HTML recordsdata
- WHMCS Template recordsdata
- Documentation
- hight high quality pleasant assist
Font-Awesome – https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/
flaticon – https://www.flaticon.com/authors/prosymbols
Somme photos aren’t included within the obtain file!
WHMCS 8.11.2 prepared (02/10/2024)
changelog: [ WHMCS theme changelog ]: account-paymentmethods-handle.tpl, css/theme.css, css/theme.min.css, bill-cost.tpl, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, improve-configure.tpl, [ WHMCS order template changelog ]: the entire order kind recordsdata
WHMCS 8.10.1 prepared (06/05/2024)
changelog: [ theme changelog ]: css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/types.css, consists of/sitejet/homepagepanel.tpl, consists of/tablelist.tpl, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, js/whmcs.js [ WHMCS order template changelog ]: v8.9.0 and v8.10.1 are similar.
WHMCS 8.9 prepared (18/03/2024)
changelog: [ WHMCS theme changelog ]: account-paymentmethods-handle.tpl, css/theme.css, css/theme.min.css, bill-cost.tpl, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, improve-configure.tpl, [ WHMCS order template changelog ]: the entire order kind recordsdata
WHMCS 8.8 prepared (08/10/2023)
changelog: [ WHMCS theme changelog ]: clientareaproductdetails.tpl , configuressl-full.tpl , invoicepdf.tpl , quotepdf.tpl , js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, js/whmcs.css, css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/bill.css, css/bill.min.css, css/retailer.css, css/theme.css, theme.min.css, consists of/energetic-merchandise-providers-merchandise.tpl [ WHMCS order template changelog ]: css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/model.cssdomain-renewals.tpl, area-renewals.tpl, js/base.js, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, ordersummary.tpl, service-renewals.tpl, sidebar-classes-collapsed.tpl, viewcart.tpl or just substitute the entire order kind template recordsdata and folder You will discover all recordsdata to replace your theme from whmcs 8.7.1 to whmcs 8.8 within the downloaded bundle, WHMCS/replace from WHMCS 8.7.1 to eight.8 folder
WHMCS 8.7.2 prepared (11/04/2023)
changelog: [ WHMCS theme change log ] : account-consumer-permissions.tpl, css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/retailer.css, css/types.css, managessl.tpl, retailer/nordvpn/index.php, retailer/nordvpn/index.tpl, retailer/threesixtymonitoring/index.php, retailer/threesixtymonitoring/index.tpl, retailer/xovinow/index.php, retailer/xovinow/index.tpl, consumer-safety.tpl, viewemail.tpl [ WHMCS orderform template change log ] : css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/model.css, js/base.js, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js You will discover all recordsdata to replace your theme from whmcs 8.6.X to whmcs 8.7.X within the downloaded bundle, WHMCS/replace from WHMCS 8.6.X to whmcs 8.7.X folder
WHMCS 8.6 prepared (15/11/2022)
Change log: [ WHMCS theme change log ] : clientareadetails.tpl, css/bill.css, css/bill.min.css, css/oauth.css, css/theme.css, css/theme.min.css, header.tpl, consists of/sidebar.tpl, js/scripts.js, js/scripts.min.js, js/whmcs.js, oauth/error.tpl, quotepdf.tpl, retailer/ox/handle.tpl [ WHMCS orderform template change log ] : js/scripts.min.js, js/scripts.js, js/base.js You will discover all recordsdata to replace your theme from whmcs 8.5 to whmcs 8.6 within the downloaded bundle, WHMCS/replace from WHMCS 8.5 to eight,6.x folder
WHMCS replace (14/06/2022) WHMCS 8.5 prepared
WHMCS replace (05/02/2022) WHMCS 8.4 prepared
WHMCS replace (23/10/2021) WHMCS 8.3 prepared
WHMCS replace (27/06/2021) WHMCS 8.2 prepared
WHMCS replace (09/03/2021) WHMCS 8.1.3 prepared
WHMCS replace (15/02/2021) WHMCS 8.1.1 prepared
WHMCS replace (19/09/2020) WHMCS 8.0 prepared
WHMCS replace (10/04/2020) WHMCS 7.10.1 prepared
WHMCS replace (16/01/2020) WHMCS 7.9 prepared
- add WHMCS 7.9 template. changelog: ( account-paymentmethods-handle.tpl account-paymentmethods.tpl clientareaproductdetails.tpl clientareaproductusagebilling.tpl creditcard.tpl css/all.css css/all.min.css css/bill.css css/types.css footer.tpl consists of/captcha.tpl consists of/generate-password.tpl bill-cost.tpl js/scripts.js js/scripts.min.js js/whmcs.js oauth/css/index.php cost/financial institution/inputs.tpl cost/financial institution/choose.tpl cost/financial institution/validate.tpl cost/billing-tackle.tpl cost/card/inputs.tpl cost/card/choose.tpl cost/card/validate.tpl cost/bill-abstract.tpl retailer/codeguard/index.php retailer/css/index.php retailer/css/model.css retailer/order.tpl retailer/promos/index.php retailer/sitelock/index.php retailer/sitelockvpn/index.php retailer/sitelockvpn/index.tpl retailer/spamexperts/index.php retailer/ssl/index.php retailer/ssl/index.tpl retailer/ssl/shared/index.php retailer/weebly/index.php usagebillingpricing.tpl viewinvoice.tpl)
Version 1.3 (21/8/2019) WHMCS 7.8.3 prepared
- Add new header model ( video & picture background ) - Add 6 sub pages to whmcs model (26/11/2018) - about us - hosting - reseller internet hosting - WordPress internet hosting - ddos - cloud internet hosting - Add whmcs 7.7 template (23 Dec 2018) - Add Font Awesome 5.6.1(23 Dec 2018) - Add New Christmas Style(23 Dec 2018) - WHMCS 7.8.3 READY recordsdata to chenge from 7.7.1 to 7.8.3( - account-paymentmethods.tpl - account-paymentmethods-billing-contacts.tpl - account-paymentmethods-handle.tpl - clientareaaddcontact.tpl - clientareachangepw.tpl - clientareacontacts.tpl - clientareacreditcard.tpl - clientareadomaindetails.tpl - clientareainvoices.tpl - clientareaproductdetails.tpl - clientareaquotes.tpl - clientareasecurity.tpl - creditcard.tpl - invoicepdf.tpl - masspay.tpl - password-reset-change-immediate.tpl - password-reset-container.tpl - password-reset-e mail-immediate.tpl - password-reset-safety-immediate.tpl - pwreset.tpl - viewinvoice.tpl - viewquote.tpl - viewticket.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/blue.png - css/blue@2x.png - css/bill.css - css/types.css - consists of/generate-password.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/whmcs.js - oauth/login.tpl - retailer folder ) (15/08/2019) - repair Google ReCaptcha WHMCS 7.8.3(consists of/captcha.tpl - consists of/head.tpl)
Version 1.2 (21/09/2018)
- Add new +210 icons - Add VPS servers web page - Add devoted internet hosting web page - Fix some bugs in WHMCS orderform template - New WHMCS sidebare types - Add WHMCS RTL customary template (08/10/2018) - Add WHMCS RTL customary template (08/10/2018) - Fix WHMCS Sign In Intergration concern (28/10/2018)
Version 1.1 (13/09/2018)
- Add WHMCS 7.6.1 templates - Add new WHMCS template - Add new WHMCS orderform - Fix some bugs in HTML model - Update template documentation
Version 1.0
preliminary launch