NIMMI – Responsive Personal Portfolio Template
Overview :
Nimmi is a Modern, Professional, Creative, and Responsive Bootstrap 4 template with LIGHT Version & DARK Version for showcasing your portfolio and private data. It fits finest for internet designers, Graphic designers, UX designers, Web builders, Media Agency, Small companies and creatives. All elements used on this theme are effectively commented, W3C validated and are effectively documented.
Package Contents :
After downloading the Template package deal, you’ll discover the next constructions,
- Css
- Js
- Fonts
- Images
- Bootstrap 4
- And file html
Features :
- Powered by Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Clean and Modern Design
- Mobile Friendly
- Animated Headline Text
- 2 Vesions
- Animations
- Working Contact Form with PHP with Validation
- Google Fonts
- Fontawesome Icons
- Owl Carousel 2
- Magnific Popup
- Clean and User Friendly Code
- W3C Validated HTML and CSS Code
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Documentation Included
- And far more…
Template Structure :
- LIGHT Version
- DARK Version
Css Files
file css used for entire web site
Font Folder
file font used for entire web site
Dummy Images
Js Files
file JS used for entire web site
HTML file Structure
You can simply create HTML pages, or no matter simply through the use of this straightforward and clear Template. Code is clearly written and commented for every appreciable half.
When you open any HTML file, you will notice that all of them have the identical headers and footers; thus, they’ve the identical HTML code and we’ll clarify within the documentation file.
Need Support? :
If you want any technical assist, please ship me a message through my SUPPORT MAIL and I’ll get again to you as quickly as attainable.