Modern Video player Statistics AddOn for WordPress
This addOn requires Modern Video player for WordPress to be put in first!
Click picture to view demo
This is na Addon for Modern Video player which lets you tracks video statistics. It integrates with plugin straight and permits detailed statistic experiences of high video performs, downloads and way more.
- Track video statistics information (performs, downloads, finishes)
- Track statistics per individul playlist
- Track statistics per WordPress consumer
- Works with nameless shorcodes (no playlist_id)
- Track high performs every day, weekly, monthls
- Tracks high performs per nation
- Detailed statistics for every video in present month
- Export statistics information to CSV
Updates / Changelog
VERSION 1.05 [21.10.2024]
- [UPDATE] WordPress newest compatibility
VERSION 1.0 [16.10.2024]
- first launch
video, statistics, video player, wordpress video, performs, downloads