Math Challenge
Math Challenge sport is the easiest way to problem your mathematical expertise of
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
With this sport you or your youngsters can enhance their mathematical expertise
Easy and enjoyable method to apply Math.
Best Educational app to enhance Math expertise for Kids and Adults.
Improve Math Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Mixed operations expertise.
Five completely different Game Mode
1. Addition.
2. Subtraction.
3. Multiplication.
4. Division.
5. Mixture.
Math is great tool for each one daily.
No matter how previous you might be ? Math is essential to calculate worth or rating .
Playing the problem video games will provide help to studying sooner and always remember.
(1) Overview
Math Challenge:
1. Math Challenge sport is the easiest way to problem your mathematical expertise
2. Best Educational app to enhance Math expertise for Kids and Adults.
3. Improve Math Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Mixed operations expertise.
4. Five completely different Game Mode
1. Addition.
2. Subtraction.
3. Multiplication.
4. Division.
5. Mixture.
5. Realistic sounds and gorgeous graphics.
(2) Step by Step
Here I’ll describe the fundamental sequence of steps.
1. You want unity 2019.3.6f1 this model. Here you possibly can obtain
2. Unzip the undertaking then click on on File -> Open Project. Pick the undertaking and it routinely import to unity.
3. Rename package deal
4. Set up the banner advert from admob. You can get banner_ad_unit_id from AdMob.
5. Configure Interstitial Ads fron admob. You can get ad_unit_id for interstitial Ads from Admob.
6. Set up the Rewarded advert from admob. You can get Rewarded_ad_unit_id from AdMob.
7. Set up Leaderboard in Google Play Console and get Leaderboard id.
8. Configure in unity editor: Window – > Google Play Games -> Setup – > Android Setup – > Paste Leaderboard id -> Click Setup Button.
9. Enable In App buy in unity service window.
10. Run App for take a look at.
(3) Unity Installation Process
1. Go to Unity’s Download Page and click on “Download Installer for Windows or mac”.
2. Open the downloaded installer.
3. Accept the license and phrases and click on Next.
4. Select the parts you wish to be put in with Unity and click on “Next”.
(4) Configure software for Android in Unity Process
1. Unzip the undertaking then click on on File -> Open Project. Pick the undertaking and it routinely import to unity.
2. Rename the package deal. Click on File -> Build Settings –> Player Settings -> Other Settings –> Package identify
(5) Update the appliance
1. You want to alter following courses for change adverts id:
• For admob adverts :
Change App Id:
string appId = “ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713”;
Change Banner adunitId:
string adUnitId = “ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111”;
Change Interstitial adunitId:
string adUnitId = “ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712”;
Change RewardedVideo adunitId:
string adUnitId = ” ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917”;
2. You want to alter InAppBuy.cs class for in app buy.
Change SKU
public static string PRODUCT_ADS_FREE = “ads_free_version”;
3. Now, You want to alter Actions on button for Rate app and extra sport
Please go inside Scripts MainMenuController.cs and
For Share this app change:
string physique = “ PackageIdentify”;
Configure leaderboard setup and alter leaderboard id right here
Social.ReportScore(LeaderScore, “Leaderboard ID”, (bool success) =>
// deal with success or failure
4. Now construct app: File – > Build Settings – >Choose platform android -> construct