Lenden – Multipurpose Payment Gateway System (SAAS)
Lenden – Multipurpose Payment Gateway System is SAAS primarily based cost modules system. Merchant will have the ability to use greater than 12+ cost gateways utilizing this platform. The Merchant can use his/her personal cost credentials to straight obtain the cost. This system additionally offers fraud cost checker additionally accessible HTML primarily based cost type and likewise generate the HTML cost type. developer can combine this platform utilizing REST API to the location. All documention information avaible this script. service provider additionally make cost hyperlink for particular consumer. his/her buyer could make cost utilizing the hyperlink.
Demo Access:
Frontend: https://lenden.amcoders.com/
Admin Login:
Admin Access: https://lenden.amcoders.com/admin/login
Email: admin@admin.com | password: rootadmin
Merchant Login:
Url: https://lenden.amcoders.com/login
Email: merchant@gmail.com | password: rootadmin
- 12+ Payment Gateway
- Payment Request Sent by hyperlink
- Payments by Merchant Generated type.
- Payments by one time URL.
- Payments by API.
- Payment gateway set up.
- Easy to Install.
- Multi Language Management
- And many extra
Avaible Payment Geteway
- Paypal
- Stripe
- Razorpay
- Instamojo
- Toyyibpay
- Mollie
- Paystack
- Payu
- mercadopago
preliminary launch v1.0