InkVoice – Creative Blog & Magazine Bootstrap HTML Template
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InkVoice is a trendy HTML template designed for newspapers and private blogs, providing a clear format and customizable options for partaking storytelling.
You will get
- HTML Files
- jQuery and JavaScript information
- CSS And Sass information
- Proper Documentation
- 06 Home Pages
- 25+ HTML Pages Available
- 5+ Menu Style Available
- Use Light Gallery
- Horizontal Navigation Available
- High Speed Performance
- Super Responsive for All Latest Browsers and Mobile Devices
- website positioning Optimized
- Clean Coded
- Free Google Web Fonts
- Free Icon Fonts (Font Awesome)
- Customizable & Organized
- Error Page Available
- Bootstrap5 + CSS3 + HTML5
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Fast Supports
- Modern, Professional Design
- Flexible Layout
- All Files are Well Commented
Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any points or downside you’re dealing with relating to this product.
- Animate https://animate.style
- Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com
- Bootstrap Select https://developer.snapappointments.com/bootstrap-select
- Bootstrap-touchspin https://www.virtuosoft.eu/code/bootstrap-touchspin
- jQuery https://jquery.com
- Wnumb https://refreshless.com/wnumb
- Roboto, sans-serif
Note : Images used within the demo are usually not supplied in obtain bundle.
Regular license: Use, by you or one shopper, in a single finish product which finish customers are usually not charged for (entry is free and there might be no month-to-month subscription charges). The whole worth contains the merchandise worth and a purchaser payment. The Regular License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-unique, worldwide license to utilize the digital work (Item) you might have chosen. You can’t Sell the End Product, besides to 1 shopper. (If you or your shopper need to Sell the End Product, you have to the Extended License.)
For extra particulars: https://themeforest.net/licenses/terms/regular
Extended license: Use, by you or one shopper, in a single finish product which finish customers might be charged for. The whole worth contains the merchandise worth and a purchaser payment (there isn’t a free entry eg: or month-to-month subscription charges). You are licensed to make use of the Item to create one single End Product for your self or for one shopper (a “single software”), and the End Product could also be Sold. This license is a “single software” license and never a “multi-use” license, which implies which you could’t use the Item to create a couple of distinctive End Product.
For extra particulars: https://themeforest.net/licenses/terms/extended
Change Log
v1.0 – 13 January 2025
* New - Created & Upload InkVoice