Ideas | Photography Theme for WordPress
WooCommerce Supported!
Ideas is a fullscreen responsive images theme for WordPress with quite a lot of fullscreen posts ( Slideshow, Kenburns, Video and Photowall ) The theme is WPML prepared and consists of .po .mo language recordsdata. Social header space is specifically designed for WPML widget & Social hyperlink widgets.
Light Skin
Dark Skin
Fullscreen Posts
- Fullscreen Slideshow Captions / Captions off
- Fullscreen Slideshow with Audio
- Kenburns Slideshow with / with out Audio
- Photo Wall
- Youtube Videos
- Vimeo Videos
- Static Image
- Ajax Portfolio ( 1,2,3,4 Columns )
- Filterable Portfolio ( 1,2,3,4 Columns )
- Normal Portfolio ( 1,2,3,4 Columns )
Portfolio Single
- Slideshow header
- Video Header
- Image Header
- Vertical picture record
- Column, Left or Right sidebar and Fullwdith assist for every portfolio merchandise.
- Normal Blog record
- Small thumbnail weblog record
- Blog grid record
- 1. Socials Links
- 2. Section Heading
- 3. Information Boxes
- 4. Works Carousel
- 5. Column Blog record
- 6. Testimonials
- 7. Lightbox
- 8. Toggle
- 9. Accordion
- 10. Counter
- 11. Buttons
- 12. Pricing Table Generate pricing tables
- 13. Highlight
- 14. Audio Player
- 15. Blog Slideshow
- 16. Google Maps.
- 17. Divider
- 18. Service Boxes
- 19. Portfolio Grid
- 20. Recent Blog Recent weblog posts
- 21. Progress Bar
- 22. Thumbnails
- 23. Tabs
- 24. Check lists
- 25. Staff
- 26. Alerts
- 27. Coulmns
- 28. Dropcap
- 29. Pullquote
- 30. Slideshow
- 31. Portfolio Slideshow
- 32. Callout Box
- 33. Clients
- 34. Fontawesome icons with UI pickers
- Popular Posts
- Recent Posts
- Gallery
- Portfolio work record
- Portfolio Related record
- Flickr
- Addresss
- Video
- Social
- Contact inbuilt template
- Contact 7 plugin Compatible with customized types
- PSD Included
- PDF Help Guide with screenshots and notes.
- .PO .MO Language Files included
- WPML Plugin Ready
- Demo Data Included
* Multiple Sidebars
* Advance Theme Options
* Change colours of theme utilizing theme choices
* 600+ Google internet fonts decisions
* Lots of helpful shortcodes with Shortcode generator
Help Guide
PDF Help Guide. Detailed screenshots and explanations. Step by step information to creating the theme.
XML Demo information file supplied ( Ensures a simple to construct website utilizing Demo information )
PSDs included
( Photos not included in obtain pack ) All photos bought from Photodune
Music by DanoSongs.com
Videos by Blender Foundation
www.blender.org www.bigbuckbunny.org
Ideas for WordPress Changelog 2.3 Add: Portfolio Albums now supported Add: Portfolio Album shortcode Add: Photowall now helps portfolio shows Add: RTL Support Fix: Minor Fixes Changed Files === ================================================================ /framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php /framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip ( model 2.5 ) /framework/plugins/imaginem-portfolio-post-type.zip ( model 1.4 ) /css/dynamic_css.php /framework/choices/[allfiles and folders] /framework/metaboxes/fullscreen-metaboxes.php /features.php /consists of/fullscreen/photowall.php /js/jquery.stickymenu.ks /js/page-elements.js /js/photowall.js /rtl.css /sidebar.php /languages/[all files] /type.css Help Guide PDF up to date with new information Version 2.2.1 - Minor repair that affected theme choices add button === ================================================================ Changed '/framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php' Changed '/framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip' ( model 2.4.1 ) Version 2.2 - Shortcode Generator renewed to work with WP 3.9 === ================================================================ Changed '/framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php' Changed '/framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip' ( model 2.4 ) Changed '/type.css' ----------- Version 2.1 ----------- Fix: Dynamic CSS file repair: Theme choices values utility repair which lead from a modified operate from final model. Files modified === ======= Changed 'css/dynamic_css.php' ----------- Version 2.0 ----------- Added: WooCommerce Added: Theme Options settings to regulate title margins / disguise / present Added: Theme Options WooCommerce store title Fix: Shortcode Slideshow Fix: Template Home slideshow ( minor ) Fix: Lightbox over menu Fix: Menu ( minor ) Added: New Google Fonts Updated /framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip Files modified === ================================================================ Changed 'css/dynamic_css.php' Changed 'css/menu/superfish.css' Changed 'css/responsive.css' Changed 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php' Changed 'framework/features/framework-functions.php' Changed 'framework/choices/admin/js/init.js' Changed 'framework/choices/google-fonts.php' Changed 'framework/choices/options-data.php' Changed 'features.php' Changed 'header-title.php' Changed 'header.php' Changed 'js/widespread.js' Changed 'languages/default.mo' Changed 'languages/default.po' Changed 'type.css' Changed 'template-fullscreen-home.php' New : 'woocommerce/' New : 'woocommerce/content-product.php' New : 'woocommerce/content-single-product.php' New : 'woocommerce/single-product/' New : 'woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php' New : 'woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php' ----------- Version 1.9 ----------- FIX: WordPress 3.8 theme choices types FIX: IE9 opacity bug repair /css/type.css /css/style_dark.css /framework/admin/tgm-init.php /framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip /framework/plugins/imaginem-portfolio-post-type.zip /framework/plugins/imaginem-fullscreen-post-type.zip /framework/admin/css/type.css /framework/choices/admin/css/admin-style.css /framework/choices/admin/photos/options-settings16.png /framework/choices/admin/options-framework.php /framework/choices/options-data.php ----------- Version 1.8 ----------- ADD: Youtube autoplay fallback picture for iPhone ADD: Color pickers for fullscreen toggle FIX: Fix for youtube video for safari/chrome css/dynamic_css.php css/supersized/supersized.css framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php /framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip framework/metaboxes/fullscreen-metaboxes.php framework/choices/options-data.php features.php consists of/background/slideshow_bg.php consists of/fullscreen/fullscreenvideo.php js/jquery.tubular.1.0.js ----------- Version 1.7 ----------- ADD: Updated imaginem-shortcodes bundled plugin. ADD: Includes Fontawesome UI icon pickers for shortcode generator ADD: Fontawesome shortcode generator /type.css [ additions appended to end of file marked with - Since version ] /framework/admin/tgm/[all files] /framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip ----------- Version 1.6 ----------- Add: Update notification and activation for bundled themes Add: Updated bundled shortcodes and widget plugins Add: Social widget has Instagram icon Fix: Pricing desk br p tags filter for columns Fix: Contacts template sidebar decisions /framework/plugins/[all files] /framework/admin/tgm/[all files] /template-contact.php ----------- Version 1.5 ----------- Fix: Kenburns as homepage Fix: Portfolio filterable utilizing shortcode generator /consists of/fullscreen/kenburns.php /template-fullscreen-home.php /features.php /framework/features/framework-functions.php /framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip *** NOTE ***: You can manually replace imaginem-shortcodes plugin by deleting the imaginem-shortcodes folder in WP plugins folder - that is '/wp-content/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes/'. Use an FTP utility or delete the plugin by way of wp-admin. Make positive the folder does not exist or the plugin will not activate. Wp-admin will immediate to put in and activate the plugin as soon as outdated model is deleted. Install and activate to make use of newest model bundled with theme. ----------- Version 1.4 ----------- Fix: ie8 and ie9 sub menus Fix: thumbnails shortcode Fix: Portfolio filterable shortcode by way of shortcode generator. /type.css /framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip NOTE: Please manually replace your shortcode plugins. 1. Extract /framework/plugins/imaginem-shortcodes.zip 2. Copy extracted 'imaginem-shortocdes' folder to /wp-contents/plugins/ ----------- Version 1.3 ----------- Optimized the bunlded plugins to decrease filesizes. /framework/plugins/* ----------- Version 1.2 ----------- FIX: Mobile Menu UPDATE: Mobile menu css type /consists of/mobile-menu.php /css/menu/mobile-menu.css ----------- Version 1.1 ----------- ADD: Theme choices fields for background opacity ADD: Touch swipe function for fullscreen slideshows UPDATE: XML demo information file. Some pages added to show shortcode comibnation layouts. UPDATE: Minor font weight modifications UPDATE: Updated languages .po .mo file reflecting theme choices addition. FIX: Sticky menu overlay repair with some components when scrolling ( associated to Chrome ) /languages/default.po , default.mo /css/dynamic_css.php /framework/choices/options-data.php /features.php /consists of/background/slideshow_bg.php /consists of/fullscreen/supersized.php /type.css --------------------------- Version 1.0 preliminary launch ---------------------------