Frisk – Creative Agency & Portfolio Vue js Template
Frisk – Creative Agency & Portfolio Vue js Template
Frisk – Creative Agency & Portfolio Template is a clear and trendy Bootstrap Creative Agency Portfolio vue js Template. In creative and inventive industries, having a portfolio is just about a requirement. Photographers, illustrators, graphic artists, calligraphers, artists and artisans all use portfolios as a key manner of selling themselves. So it an important to have a superior portfolio. In this case Frisk is ideal resolution. It’s appropriate for Modern Business, Layer, Personal Portfolio, Digital Agency, Startup, Freelancer, Photographer, Architecture, Politician, Vertical Slider any or any form of portfolio profile. This template contains 10+ totally different homepage demo with 25+ html pages fastidiously designed blocks, that are straightforward to edit and customise to suit your wants. Template is ideal resolution for the create of distinctive portfolio web sites.vue js 3,vite,Typescript,Bootstrap 5(newest Version), and Sass
Features Overview
vue js 3
The Progressive JavaScript Framework
TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for varieties.
Vite is a blazing quick frontend construct software powering the following technology of net functions.
VeeValidate is the preferred Vue.js type library. It takes care of worth monitoring, validation, errors, submissions and extra.
- Dynamic Route
Bootstrap 5.x Framework:
Bootstrap is the preferred HTML, CSS, and JS framework for creating responsive, cellular first initiatives on
the net.
10+ Home Page
Frisk has good and clear 10 house pages.
Touch Friendly:
Easy searching on contact gadgets.
100% Fully Responsive:
What ever you might be utilizing the machine your web site will run accurately. Harry template is totally responsive structure for all kind of gadgets.
Sass :
Frisk template coded with sass
Full Features List
- Vue JS 3 (Composition api)
- Typescript
- Vite
- Based on Bootstrap 5.x
- vee validate
- vue js with out jQuery
- Free Premium Quality Support
- Sticky Header
- Google Fonts
- 100% Responsive
- Nice and Clean Design
- Clean and commented code
- Customizeable all elements of every web page
- 10+ Home Pages
- 25+ Inner Pages
- Blog Pages
- Image background
- Easy to customise
- Flexible and multi-objective
- Valid / CSS3
- 24/7 Awesome help
- Detailed documentation
What you get?
- vue js recordsdata
- Documentation
Fonts Used
- Google Fonts : Poppins , Unbounded
Icons Used
- fontawesome-icons
- Image Icons