Definity – Multipurpose One/Multi Page Template
Definity is clear and minimal, multipurpose one web page & multi web page HTML5 template, its 100% responsive and its construct with Bootstrap 3 framework and SCSS. It follows the most recent internet design developments and provides a number of choices to selected from. Comes with 20+ demos to selected. Its appropriate for any enterprise particularly: inventive company, freelancer, private portfolio, resume, pictures, vogue, marriage ceremony, store and so forth.
Definity Features:
- One Page and Multi Page demos
- 25+ Different Demos
- 84+ HTML Elements
- Light, Dark and Transparent Menu Bars
- Lots of portfolio choices
- Isotope portfolio filtering
- Fully responsive
- Google Mobile-Friendly
- Bootstrap 3
- SASS recordsdata included
- Fonts Awesome Icons
- Line Icons
- Parallax sections
- Full display screen & full width video backgrounds
- Animated Headings
- Smooth scrolling
- Coming Soon Pages
- Maintenance Page
- Styled 404 Page
- Landing Page
- Login Pages
- Responsive Pricing Table
- Multiple Table Layouts
- Styled Google Maps
- Google Fonts
- Lots of weblog layouts
- Powerful shortcodes
- Shop (E-Commerce) Layouts
- Checkout Page
- Cart Dropdown Menu
- Responsive Video
- Browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera)
- Cross Browser appropriate
- Well documented
- Clean and commented code
- … and extra!
Plugins & Scripts
- Bootstrap v3.3.5: http://getbootstrap.com/
- Bootstrap hover dropdown: https://github.com/CWSpear/bootstrap-hover-dropdown
- Bootstrap hover dropdown: https://github.com/CWSpear/bootstrap-hover-dropdown
- CountUp: https://inorganik.github.io/countUp.js/
- jquery-2.1.4: http://jquery.com/
- jquery.countdown: http://hilios.github.io/jQuery.countdown/
- jquery.easing: http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
- jquery.easypiechart: http://robert-fleischmann.de
- jquery.localScroll: http://flesler.blogspot.com
- jquery.magnific-popup: http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/documentation.html
- jquery.mbYTPlayer: http://pupunzi.open-lab.com
- jquery.parallax: http://www.ianlunn.co.uk/plugins/jquery-parallax/
- jquery.scrollTo: http://flesler.blogspot.com
- jquery.stellar: http://markdalgleish.com/projects/stellar.js
- jquery.waypoints: https://github.com/imakewebthings/waypoints/blog/master/licenses.txt
- isotope: http://isotope.metafizzy.co
- packery: http://packery.metafizzy.co
- modernizer: http://modernizr.com/download/
- slick: http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick
- clean.scroll: https://gist.github.com/galambalazs/6477177
- wow: http://mynameismatthieu.com/WOW/
- animate css: http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/
- https://unsplash.com/
- http://www.gratisography.com/
- http://magdeleine.co/browse/
- https://picjumbo.com/
- http://www.uifaces.com/ (authorized)
Please word that template doesn’t embody the photographs within the supply zip file.
v. 1.7 – 30 March 2018
UPDATE: FontAwesome to model 4.7.0; UPDATE: Font weight of the headings; ------- Files up to date: /fonts/fontawesome/ google-fonts.js
v. 1.6 – 12 September 2016
FIX: map pin not exhibiting on some pages; FIX: countdown for coming quickly pages reseted; NEW: store-proper-sidebar.html NEW: store-left-sidebar.html NEW: store-4col.html NEW: store-single.html NEW: store-checkout.html NEW: tables.html NEW: cart dropdown menu NEW: _shop.scss NEW: _tables.scss ADDED: jquery ui (vary slider solely) ------- Files up to date: all *.html recordsdata which have multi web page navigation _navigation.scss; responsive.scss; important.scss; important.css; reponsive.css; important.js gmap.js
v. 1.5 – 29 February 2016
FIX: hover drawback for portfolio gadgets on iOS (iPhone); FIX: blurry background on iOS (iPhone); FIX: nav menu with many gadgets not scrolling when opened on iOS (iPhone); FIX: contact-kind.php is recoded from scratch; UPDATE: added hyperlink to the characteristic challenge part on h3 to work higher on cellular; UPDATE: added adjustable peak on the portfolio single sldier; UPDATE: zoom on scroll faraway from google map sections; ------- Files up to date: all index-*.html recordsdata; all portfolio recordsdata; hover.html; _portfolio.scss; _hover.scss; responsive.scss; important.scss; important.css; reponsive.css; important.js gmap.js contact-kind.php
v. 1.4 – 18 November 2015
Added Hover Effects and two new Portfolio Single Pages NEW: hover.html NEW: _hover-results.scss NEW: portfolio-single-3.html NEW: portfolio-single-4.html UPDATE: important.css, important.scss, _portfolio.scss
v. 1.3.1 – 22 October 2015
Small repair for some hero layouts on further small screens (bellow 400px width); UPDATE: responsive.css
v. 1.3 – 14 October 2015
added new template App Landing Page; added new template Web App Landing Page; fastened small bug with the fw slider navigation; NEW: index-app-touchdown.html NEW: index-internet-all-touchdown.html UPDATE: important.css UPDATE: _features.scss, _settings.scss, _utility.scss, _typography.scss, _hero.scss, _portfolio.scss, _footers.scss, _testimonials.scss, reposnsive.scss UPDATE: important.js UPDATE: textual content spotlight colour from black to inexperienced UPDATE: mega-menu with new hyperlinks
v. 1.2 – 06 October 2015
added working contact kind; added MailChimp integration; added two new templates (Agency 2); up to date the freelancer structure; added labels aspect; fastened small bug with the complete display screen slider stacked navigation; -- contact-kind.php - added; -- jquery.ajaxchimp.js - addded; -- animDots.js - added; - important.js up to date; index-agency2-mp.html - added; index-agency2-op.html -added; index-freelancer-mp.html - up to date; index-freelancer-op.html - up to date; - group.html - up to date; - labels.html - added;
v. 1.1 – 16 September 2015
fastened scrolling for mac; fastened the menu in onepage templates on cellular screens; up to date weblog preview part with right path for the hyperlinks; fastened lacking id`s within the onepage index recordsdata; - important.js up to date; -- smoothscroll.js up to date;