Dashtrans – Bootstrap5 Admin Dashboard Template
Dashtrans is a completely responsive bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template. It is constructed with bootstrap 5 framework, HTML5, CSS, and JQuery. It works on all main internet browsers, desktops, and all smartphone gadgets. It is a very simple-to-customise and developer-pleasant template. It has an unlimited assortment of UI elements with the most recent jQuery & bootstrap plugins. It can be utilized for any sort of internet software eCommerce dashboard, customized admin panel, venture administration admin, CRM, cms, and so forth.
Template Key Features
- Multiple Color Dashboard
- 60+ Responsive HTML Pages
- Easy to Customizable
- 200+ UI Icons
- Multiple Chart Options
- W3C Validated Code
- Multiple Table Layout Examples
- 100% Html Responsive Pages
- Data Table with Paging & Sorting
- Different Type Form Layouts
- Validation Forms
- Range Slider
- Forms Wizard
- Invoice Page
- User Profile Page
- Different Type Notifications & Sweet Alerts
- Login/ Registration Pages
- Animated Models
- Compatible with Small, Medium & Large Screens
- Dynamic & Static Widgets
- Well Documentation
Sources and Credits
- getbootstrap.com
- jquery.com
- Chart JS
- Morris Charts
- Flot Charts
- jQuery Sparkline
- Easy Pie Chart
- Gmaps
- Jvector Map
- simple Line Icons
- Themify Icons
- Flag Icons
- Summernote
- Vertical Timeline
- Fullcalendar
- Jquery Validation
- Bootstrap Datatable
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Select2 org
- Lobibox Notifications
We have used Images just for demo functions. Images should not included within the obtain bundle.