Cybox – NFT Portfolio React Template
Version 0.1.0
September 8, 2023
- Remove folder node_modules file submit
Cybox – NFT Portfolio React Template
Cybox – is the NFT Portfolio for merchants and creators. It brings collectively collectors and creators, permitting them to commerce and change works as non-fungible tokens. For creators, the work with {the marketplace} is actually easy; all of it begins with importing an merchandise on a blockchain, after which it may be traded as a non-fungible asset.
This Template provides numerous personalization choices that will help you give the look you require in your web site. It may be very simple to navigate and suits numerous display screen sizes
Main Features
- Build On newest React
- Developer Friendly Code
- No JQuery
- 15+ All Pages
- Free icons used
- Pixel Perfect
- Clean & Unique Design
- Easy to customise
- Retina Ready
- Unlimited Colors
- Boxed or Wide structure
- Ajax Contact Form
- Parallax Effect
- & way more…
- All pictures are simply used for preview function solely and NOT included within the ultimate buy information.
Fonts & Icons
- Font-Awesome
- Flation.com
- Chakra+Petch is on the market free of charge on Google fonts.
- IBM+Plex+Mono is on the market free of charge on Google fonts.
- jQuery (http://jquery.com/)
- Bootstrap (http://getbootstrap.com)
- Easing (http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/)
- owl.carousel (http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/)
- WayPoints (http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/)
- Parallax (http://www.ianlunn.co.uk/plugins/jquery-parallax/)
- Cookie (https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie)