Chulan – Personal Portfolio & Resume Drupal Theme
Chulan is a totally Responsive, Flat, Minimalist, Professional & Multipurpose v Card theme constructed to showcase your prime-notch portfolios. This drupal theme made for designers, photographers, illustrators, video producers and different who want a simple, enticing and efficient solution to share their work with shoppers.
You can configure header to make use of static background, slider background or video background.
Main options:
- Multiple header part layouts
- Full display screen backgrounds
- Video background
- Retina prepared
- Fully responsive
- Unlimited shade
- Ajax portfolio
- Demo set up profile
- Ctools
- Date
- Entity
- Field collection
- file entity
- fontello
- icon
- jquery update
- libraries
- media
- media_soundcloud
- media_vimeo
- media_youtube
- media_soundcloud
- token
- views
- webform
- webform_layout
- MD chulan Module
- Easing
- SmoothScroll
- Superslides
- Font Awesome
- FitText
- Magnific Popup
- MixItUp
- JQuery appear
- LavaLamp
- OwlCarousel
- ScrollTo
- Textillate
- EasyPieChart
- Jquery.mb.YTPlayer
Images used within the demo will not be included within the archive of the – for the license restrictions. They are changed by dummy placeholders.
Change logs
7.x-2.1 (May twenty first, 2014)
+ Update theme settings. + Update resume add file in theme settings.