Bodas – HTML Wedding Template
Bodas – HTML Wedding Template is a clear, elegant and trendy template. Great for wedding ceremony invitation or engagement. Coming with wedding ceremony options resembling Couple Timeline, Countdown, Photo gallery, featured individuals, Gift Registry, RSVP and others. This template is responsive utilizing Bootstrap v.3 Framework and optimized for cell system.
- Responsive format based mostly on Bootstrap v3
- One-page with autoscroll and Sticky Navbar
- Couple Story Timeline
- Animated days countdown
- Sortable photograph gallery with lightbox
- Gift registry logos carrousel
- Working Ajax RSVP kind (with Bootstrap Validator)
- 5 Pre Defined colours schemes (Easy to alter colours)
- Parallax backgrounds impact
- Easy editable names (Groom and Bride)
- CSS3 and Jquery Animations
- Clean Semantic Coding
- Based on 12 columns Grid System.
- Unique and Modern Style
- Google fonts.
- FontSuperior Icons Font (straightforward to alter).
- Photos not included.
- PSD Not included
Fonts used
- Oswald(Google Font)
- Open Sans Font (Google Font)
Sources and Credits
- Bootstrap: https://getbootstrap.com/
- jQuery: https://jquery.com/
- Sticky: https://stickyjs.com/
- jQuery One Page Nav Plugin: https://github.com/davist11/jQuery-One-Page-Nav
- jQuery OwlCarousel v1.3.3: https://www.owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/
- Stellar.js v0.6.2: https://markdalgleish.com/projects/stellar.js
- TimeCircles Countdown: https://github.com/wimbarelds/TimeCircles
- Portfolio Gallery: https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/GzKKE
- Magnific Popup: https://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
- Bootstrap Validator: https://github.com/1000hz/bootstrap-validator
- FontSuperior: https://fontawesome.io/
- Photos:All the pictures used for the template preview are taken from Envato´s Photodune Marketplace (Not included on the HTML supply recordsdata. Only for preview.): https://photodune.net.