Lexus Responsive App Landing Page
Lexus HTML5 App Landing Page Template is designed with a clear appear and feel, trendy & trendy pattern that absolutely versatile to deliver excessive aesthetic & conversion for an App promotion & can be appropriate not just for a cell apps but additionally for cell video games showcase or any utility web site showcase. It comes with one distinctive format which incorporates tons of sections, customization choices and options for a number of functions.
- Clean and Modern Design
- Bootstrap 3.3
- 5 Different Color Variation
- Fully Responsive
- Video Background
- Image Background
- Google Web Fonts
- HTML 5 & CSS3
- Font Awesome Icons
- Working Mailchimp Subscription Form
- search engine optimization Friendly
- Well Commented code
- Well Documented
- Many extra..
Updates Log:
26 July, 2017
- Improve Overall Design Quality
- Improved Typography
- Fix Some CSS bugs
30 November, 2016
- Add Particle Background
- Additional Bug Fixing
23 November, 2016
Initial Relaesed