Taksi | HTML
Short Description of Taski HTML
- Unique & Modern Design.
- Fully Responsive with Bootstrap 3.0
- 960 base grid system.
- 32 pages HTML Template.
- 24 pages Home Page Styles.
- 4 Search Results Page.
- Vertical Style for Booking Page.
- Horizontal Style for Booking Page.
- Easy to customise with superior Documentation.
Form part.
By this part, any buyer could be registration this web site.
Pick-up Location & Drop-up Location
Select by the Pick-up location, you may choose your root pick-up location. as identical choose Drop-up location, you may choose your root Drop-up location. You can see your whole journey by Google map.
Mini automotive particulars part.
By this part we’ve descript a few automotive particulars.
Mini automotive particulars part.
By this part you may reserving our service.
Mini automotive particulars part.
In this part we’ve describe your journey particulars. By the part you may know your root journey. you may know your journey fare. your chosen Car kind. Pickup-date & time.